i'm a lichen enjoyer, photographer, hiker, musician and programmer. here
are some links!
i've helped build tools that help her work on her website. there's tons
of art and cool stuff and she updates it all the time!
music i like
jacob mann: jazz pianist who balances humor and sensitive beauty in his
playing and compositions. check out the
soy lentman show;
lyle mays: jazz pianist who collaborated with pat metheny. i've really been
digging his album fictionary
(title track);
official website
guitar duo with a distinct sound and feel. i find them really
energizing and inspiring! they make great driving to/from hike
music. check out
hermaphroditos from kit (1991);
official website
alfons bauer
german volksmusik zither player. last year i suddenly fell in love
with volksmusik through zither music. the album
zither mit hertz
is lovely and retro. try
gotzinger landler!
toru takemitsu
20th century classical composer. his sense of timbre and combination
of improvised and composed elements is really compelling to me. one
of those composers where once i'm in his mode, i don't want to
listen to anything else! check out
rain tree.
oster project
vocaloid producer known for a distinct jazzy style. i've been
listening to oster project for about 15 years and seeing her
constantly evolve her style has been wonderful! she can do so many
different styles but she always sounds like oster. i recommend
official website
goals for 2025
find Usnea lambii
; this is a rare species in a genus i love very much. its niche is
high elevation volcanic rocks, making it dependent on our wonderful
cascade volcanoes. i'm planning on a hike in the late summer/early
fall on the mt adams highline trail (a known locality) to find and
photograph this lichen. if possible, i'd like to do other hikes that
are in its niche. so far i've found two good ways of finding these;
one is searching for
site:https://www.peakbagger.com/ "sub-peak (volcanic)" washington,
and the other is scanning wta's hike finder map for
hikes above 7k ft
around our volcanoes.
hike cow heaven every month;
this is a trail i love in the north cascades. it's not an easy hike,
especially when it's snowed over half the year, so this is partially
a way to force myself to stay in hiking shape. there's many cool
ferns on this trail (including
the first Asplenium trichomanes i've ever seen)
and some cool lichens as well! the hike spans lowland temperate
rainforest to an alpine meadow; i'm looking forward to seeing how
these ecosystems change with the seasons.
see some of our endemic wildflowers;
last year i did a wonderful hike up buckhorn mountain. had i done it a
few months prior, i would have found some of the olympic peninsula's
endemic wildflowers! i'm planning on not missing them this year.
also, i'd like to see
Tweedy's lewisia
east of the cascade crest. i'll have a busy early summer!
photograph hummingbirds a lot, including a rufous; i put up a hummingbird feeder recently and
have been having
a great time photographing
the several anna's that frequent it!
i'd like to get more photos of them, and also get some of rufous
hummingbirds when they arrive in march.